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Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) Survey

SDQ Survey on Tuesday, March 7

The Issaquah School District is committed to supporting our students through Positive Behavior and Social Emotional Support (PBSES). PBSES is a framework that uses evidence-based practices and multiple tiers of support to serve students through a continuum of care. Through this framework, we work to strengthen school climate, classroom practices, and the social emotional skills of students.

As part of our PBSES work to support students, students at Liberty will be asked to complete a short, 25-item Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) on 3/7/2023. The survey is kid-friendly and used to gain insight about individual student emotional and behavioral functioning. It identifies a child’s personal strengths as well as challenges.  

Once we have the results of the survey, we will be contacting the parents of students whose scores indicate high internalized stress. Additionally, student scores may be used proactively to identify supports for students. For example, if a student reaches a particular threshold of unexcused absences, the SDQ results will be used to guide interventions to improve attendance. 

If you have questions about the survey, please contact Andrew Brownson or if you do not want your student to participate, please inform in writing (an email is fine) by March 3, 2023.