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Paying for College

It's no secret that college is expensive. There are a lot of ways to pay for college, and students typically choose from a mix of options: College savings plans (529 or prepaid tuition plans), familial monetary gifts, financial aid (grants, loans, work study, scholarships), and working during school. 

You should consider the affordability of a college when deciding what colleges are a good fit for you and creating your college list. Our College Fit Scorecard encourages you to think about affordability by asking the following questions:

  • Is cost a factor you need to consider when picking a college? 

  • If yes, what is affordable for you? What is a reasonable yearly cost (or range)? 

You should talk with your parents about college costs as early in the college planning process as possible. It can be heartbreaking to apply and be accepted into a school, only to find out you can't afford to go.

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